If you know of other great blogs, submit your site here. I may update this blog or use your link in a future blog post.
Here is a list of inspirational and informative jewelry blogs to follow. Whether you are a designer, bench jeweler, retail gallery, or manufacturer, some of these bloggers will resonate with you.
We selected these blogs based on the following criteria – to be on this list, they should meet at least one of the below criteria.
- 50,000+ followers on any of their social networks
- 50,000+ traffic per month as estimated by SimilarWeb.com
- A deep and credible background in the jewelry world
If you don’t see your favorite bloggers on the list, comment and let us know which ones we are missing…
Jewelry Blogs
1. Liza Urla – Gemologue
In the ‘Gem Talks’ section on her site, she interviews jewelry designers and others in the fashion world. Great blog to get inspiration and stay in touch with jewelry trends. Liza studied Gemology in New York and is currently based in London. Follow her blog on Instagram.
2. Daniele Miele – Gem Gossip
Daniele is a graduate gemologist from the GIA and spent several years experience working at an antique jewelry store. She is now a full time writer and consultant. Follow her blog on Instagram.
3. Becky Stone – Diamonds in the Library
Check out the section of her site called ‘Pretty Shiny Things’ where she features some beautiful designs. Follow her on Instagram.
4. Alice Matsumoto – The Carrotbox Blog
5. Cathleen McCarthy – The Jewelry Loupe
Her site is also a great resource for jewelry makers – she has an ‘Ask an Expert’ section where she has tons of how-to content across several jewelry focused topics from design to marketing. Follow her blog on Facebook.
Here is a recent post where she features some stunning jewelry finds from the AGTA (American Gem Trade Association) Show.
6. Cheryl Kremkow – Gem Obsessed
Follow her blog on Instagram and check out her recent post on jewelry from the TEFAF show in New York where she features pieces with bold colors and incredible design details.
7. Monica Stephenson – iDazzle
Here is a recent post on her blog about a sustainable jewelry line made from tagua seeds. Follow her on Twitter.
8. Rio Grande Blog
This blog has a huge archive of content. The Business Know-How section discusses topics such as how to design a jewelry line, wholesaling, pricing, trade show tips and a lot more while the Design & Inspiration section covers jewelry designers and their stories. They also have a Tools & Techniques section which is filled with how-to’s on different jewelry making techniques. Overall, a fantastic blog with a lot of information.
Other Jewelry Sites & Resources
9. Ganoksin
Ganoksin has been around for over twenty years. They are a jewelry making resource with tons of tutorials and how-to’s. They are a membership site with pricing from $4/mo to $20/mo.
Membership includes access to tutorials and also their popular forum for jewelers where you can ask questions and interact with other jewelers. This is the forum to go to if you have questions about setting, casting, sales policies, pricing…anything jewelry related.
10. Jewelers Helping Jewelers
This is along the same lines as Ganoksin, but it is a jewelry group on Facebook. Ask questions and other jewelers will help you. You need to be a member of the group to participate.
11. Jeweler Profit
The design of this site needs a lot of work but….David is the go-to source for all matters pricing. If you’re a designer looking for a systematic way to price your jewelry, take a look at David’s book – “Geller’s Blue Book”. He also sends out newsletters to help you make the most of your sales and income. David is a 14th generation jeweler – wow!.
12. Aspiring Metalsmiths
As they say on their Facebook page, “This is a friendly and supportive place to talk metal, share business and technical advice, show off your work, and have fun. Anybody with an interest in any type of metalwork can join and participate.” As with Jewelers Helping Jewelers you must be a member of the group.
We hope you found some sites here that you hadn’t heard of before. If you’re looking for more maker sites, take a look at our jewelry making classes post.
Which awesome blogs are we missing? Leave a comment or submit your site here.
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